Postman Collections

Quickly test and master Trully's APIs with our ready-to-use Postman collection.

Explore and test Trully's APIs effortlessly with our Postman collection. This resource comes with pre-configured requests for all our endpoints, simplifying the understanding and integration process for developers.

Run in Postman

Getting Started

  1. Download the Collection: Obtain our Postman collection from the given link or directly import it into your Postman app.
  2. Add Your API Key as a Global Environment Variable: Ensure seamless testing by setting your API key as a global variable in Postman.
  3. Explore Requests: Each request is equipped with example data and parameters, demonstrating our APIs' functionality.
  4. Send and Test: Customize the requests with your data to see real-time responses, aiding in understanding API capabilities and response structures.
  5. Integration Guidance: Leverage the collection as a roadmap for accurate and efficient integration of our APIs into your systems.